Your payroll administration handled by a single point of contact

Your human capital is one of the most important parts of your business. Your employees receive remuneration packages and benefits in kind, new hirings need to be processed, ... As an entrepreneur, you understand that these topics are key to winning the talent battle and retaining good staff members. Nevertheless, you often face the very specific challenges of Human Resources administration: social security laws, administrative requirements, taxation, benefits in kind, ... all require a specialist approach that is different in every country.

Our payroll experts are fully up to date on Belgian legislation. They help you select a Payroll Agency that is the best match with your organisation. Our teams then make sure that input of your HR data is adequately processed and they verify the output of those systems. They provide you with all documentation that your organisation and your employees need.

Are you an international company looking for payroll support in Belgium? Then our team can act as your single point of contact towards Payroll Agencies and other providers as well as arrange your HR administration.

Tax Tools

Calculate the benefit in kind and employer's expenses for your company car.