‘I get every opportunity to learn here’ 

He describes himself as timid, but at Grant Thornton Steve Peeters flits from one fascinating IT project to another. This multi-deployability makes the newbie a real asset to the cyber team. ‘I’m young and curious: they can ask me anything.’



Who is Steve Peeters? 

Position: Cyber Risk Advisor Computer whiz

Age: 28

Office: Antwerp 

Energy source: completing a project successfully 

Hobbies: gaming and couch surfing 



How did you end up at Grant Thornton? 

Steve: ‘After my secondary education, I opted to study IT. I dreamt of a career in cybersecurity, but looking for a job was difficult: there’s mainly room for experienced people in the sector. I came across the Grant Thornton vacancy through student.be. I got an opportunity here as a junior.’

What opportunities does Grant Thornton offer? 

Steve: ‘At IT, work tends to be about projects – not so much about people. But it’s different here: you get to know lots of customers from a range of sectors. For a diehard computer guy like me, being more client-oriented is a challenge, but at the same time it’s really fascinating. Also, the cyber team at Grant Thornton isn’t that large, so we can always contact each other with questions.’


‘By giving the best of myself every day and being open to learning, I automatically grow.’

- Steve Peeters 


What makes working at Grant Thornton so enjoyable?

Steve: ‘As an IT professional, I’m involved in lots of different projects and provide support where necessary. Every day looks completely different. That’s exactly what makes the job so fascinating. The fact that I can be completely myself here – including goofy humour – is another reason why I enjoy coming to work.’

How do you see your future development? 

Steve: ‘By giving the best of myself every day and being open to learning, I automatically grow. In the longer term I can see myself specialising. I find offensive security particularly fascinates: you attack digital environments in order to test the security. Our knowledge and experience in that field are definitely still developing. I hope to learn as much as possible in that area from our Dutch colleagues, among others.’ 


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