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Portfolio Management – Making better decisions at the right time

Making the right decisions when executing our strategy. A challenge all dynamic organisations are keen to accept, but as many entrepreneurs learn: easier said than done.

The current economic climate continues to be a very competitive one for many companies. Price wars, increasing demands from clients, evolving markets, competition from new markets, … all put pressure on organisations to make the right choices and make them quickly. Added to the speed of these changes and the lack of resources to react quickly to all of them, the need to make the right decision at the right time is only becoming more and more important. Only making the right decisions allows companies to answer the many challenges they face to continue to grow. From our side, as consultants in the field, we’re noticing organisations and entrepreneurs are being stressed by this. just think about the difficulty to make a definite choice between short term decisions and strategic must-do projects at the long term.

Companies face two main challenges when doing this:

  • “Which projects and actions do we take on – and which ones do we not pursue?
  • “How do we make sure that those projects and actions we choose deliver the      results we’ve agreed on?”

Our portfolio management services can help you answer these questions. They help you link your strategy and the execution of projects and actions.

Portfolio management offers a structured approach to choosing those ideas that contribute to your companies’ strategy, keeping in mind your specific business environment & its constraints. Our way of working starts by turning different strategic business challenges, operational problems and questions into valuable project ideas. We will help you to classify these ideas and set priorities taking into account your company strategy and your business needs. Finally, this will enable you to make the right choice at the right time taking into account your specific business context and boundaries (eg. Skills and availability of resources, financial resources).

Portfolio management helps you make better decisions, using a process tailored to your organisation. Ultimately this helps you to draw the right conclusions. As a result you’ll only make those choices that will allow you to achieve your target results and that actively contribute to realising your strategy in a sustainable way.

Our teams can help you make this crucial link between your corporate strategy and those key projects and actions that help you unlock your potential for growth.

Contact us for more information on our Portfolio Management services.