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How being in control of your organisation helps you realize your strategic goals.

Is your organisation helping you grow or slowing you down? 

Any organisation, big or small, will recognise that their ability to change or execute their strategy is often subject to both internal and external constraints.  Some examples: 

  • Market evolutions or changes in customer needs require the organisation to make changes to the product or service.  Doing so, may prove a difficult task if internal processes can not be modified quickly. 
  • The company produces a good product or delivers high quality services, but internal procedures or structures are not aligned properly resulting in lower efficiency and decreased profitability.
  • The way customers are gaining access to a product or service, has become an important part of retaining and winning clients.  Procedures may not be taking into account this customer experience yet.
  • Changes in laws and regulations may impact a single process or an entire business model.  Reacting quickly to new rules and compliance can also be inhibited by a company’s internal procedures. 

These are only a few possible scenarios.  We challenge you to look at your own organisation and think of more.  You will find they all have one thing in common: lack of responsiveness of processes and procedures. 

By mapping your operational organisation in a structured way, we believe you can gain insight in your own business model, its strengths and weaknesses.  Putting that insight to work is how you make sure your processes are aligned with strategic requirements and the way products or services get delivered to customers. 

Our approach looks at a business as a whole and sees each process as a part of a bigger structure.  We take into account interaction between the different departments in an organisation and the interactions with clients and the company.  This end-to-end way of looking at things, once mapped, is reported in a structured manner, allowing management to look at a single process, the overall operating model or even an entire customer journey.  The important thing is that it all links together. Changing the internal way of working cannot be done without thinking about the impact on the customer. Making promises to customers, whether in a B2C or B2B environment, cannot be done without a good insight in the internal operational model. We like to see the operational model as a whole: linking internal view and the customer view, leading to increased customer experience, thus more profitable business and more involved employees.

We start by a fast mapping the existing situation before we take the next step: seeing what changes are required to match the business’ strategy and structure. Whether an update of processes is required, an improvement or efficiency project is needed, … we map the business in an intelligent way, so changes and their impact on the rest of the organisation and the interaction with your client is made clear. 

Our approach is based on the following principles: 

  • Your business: we listen to you and how you work – that’s our starting point
  • Fast insight: based on our experience we can provide you with fast insight in the way you work and what needs to be changed in order to meet your strategic objectives.
  • Complete: we work end-to-end, which means we link the customer view and the internal way of working. We also link processes, with other processes, internal capabilities, measures, systems …
  • Impact: we help you to move on and reach your goals. We support you to make smart decisions based on an in-depth understanding of your business and the possibilities you have. We make clear what the impact of your decisions will be on your customers and your internal way of working.

Because of this dynamic approach, your operational model can not only be used as a control function for risk management, a tool for managing the processes or as a quality framework, it becomes a turnkey solution for modeling, prioritizing, improvement and simulation. Like this, managing processes in a proactive way becomes a driver for sustainable growth.